Pausing To Honor Mothers

Pausing To Honor Mothers

Hello again crochet family! Has it been an entire week already? Last week I started a six-part series “Casual to Cash in 6 weeks”, and I fully intend to see that through, but as this is the first week in May, the month set aside to honor our Mothers, I needed to pause and give honor to them and this special month, with an article about the importance of traditions. Knowing that the tight-knit group (pun intended) of the crochet world is rich in traditions and just as with anything that invokes us to spend quality time together, it can be a cherished memory to carry on with you forever.

Having brought the tradition of crochet from his childhood with his grandmother, Nathan has shared in the past how it has now become a small business that he and Marissa began and contribute to together. This very special memory that Nathan shared with his grandmother, he uses now, to connect with people. Therefore, Plushie Luv in a Box is very important to both Nathan and Marissa. It is a way to pass this beloved pastime given to him by his grandmother on to others, so that they pass it along as well. This is how we can keep something going that is precious to us, and because Nathan had so many fond memories from those days of learning to crochet with his grandmother, he found it important enough to give a vast majority of his time to, as an adult.

By continuing to pass down the traditional things our mothers give us, that their mothers gave them, and so on, we can ensure that a person remains in our heart even after they are gone. My mother, for years, on every special occasion she was a part of planning, would use a crystal punch bowl that was her mother’s. And always made a particular punch to go in it. They had a house fire almost two years ago. When I got the call, the first thing I thought was if the punch bowl survived, after finding out everyone was safe. My mom is not a sentimental woman that gets emotional about very much, but I could always see it in her eyes when she used that bowl. It was special because of who it had belonged to and I am almost positive it didn’t cost a ton of money, nor would it be worth much today, but to me and my family, it’s priceless. That bowl survived the fire and what I thought was amazing is that, the fire burned so long because of the response time and the distance from the city that they live, that nothing except some of her jewelry, and that bowl is all that they could find in the ashes. Everything else was a total loss. I am so grateful that my family and one of its traditions survived!

You see, memories are like that. As we live in those moments and experience the things we call our traditions, they don’t seem so special. But as you grow older and time takes over your mind and your body, you realize those moments mattered. I did not know my grandmother; she passed away before I was born, but before I knew that my mother had retrieved the punch bowl from the ashes, I cried for it, because it’s something that I have very special memories attached to. My brother and I both had it at our high school graduation parties, my wedding, and someday when my daughter gets married, Mom will break it out and mix her punch in that bowl that will someday invoke the memory of that day for my daughter.  

There are many ways to pass traditions onto your children and grandchildren, and it’s never too late to start one. Just a few examples include family game night, a weekly themed dinner, annual camping trip or girl’s weekend away. You can start having a mother/son date night tradition or monthly outing ritual. Anything done regularly and intending to bond with your family is something that can and will one day become a very special memory for them and possibly be something they pass along to their own children. Our families are our legacy and what better way to nurture that bond with them, then to instill the importance of traditions and making memories?

These moments are precious and last a lifetime for most and I am convinced that learning to crochet is something that many little girls would love to experience with their moms. It is my job as a blog writer to sell you something and that is no secret. Undoubtedly, I would love for you to buy one of Nathan and Marissa’s Plushie Luv in a Box for that reason. But this week, my motivation behind this desire is different and meaningful. I think what they do is as genuine and special as they are. They are not just small business owners turning a profit. What they do is give traditions to pass down. They give moments that can become memories. The entire world moves so fast and we are all head down on our phones or back turned on our laptops, making traditions a thing of the past. With something as unique as Plushie Luv in a Box you can sit down, turn off the game system, silence your phone and have a conversation with your daughter or your son, and make a tradition that your loved one can pass onto the next generation. You can leave with them something that invokes a memory about a very special moment you shared while learning to crochet. Imagine in twenty years when your child moves into her first home with her husband and takes along the amigurumi plushie that you crocheted together. I can imagine she will feel a tug at her heart and smile from the laughter and chatter that those crochet moments gave her to remember you by. Without our generation taking the time to give crochet or some other traditional activity you choose to pass along, these beautiful artistic crafts and other traditions that serve our memories of love from the past, will become relics of a past life instead of the traditions of this one.  

Set aside time and find a hobby to share with a loved one.  Make a memory to leave your family that will one day cross their mind and spark emotions in them that only traditions can stir. Giving your mom a gift like Plushie Luv in a Box is a good way to take the lead on starting a tradition in your own family and a gift that lets her know how important making memories with her is to you. Young children or grown and adulting, we never get too old to make memories with our mom!

Happy Crocheting!

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