How To Go From Casual To Cash in Six Weeks

How To Go From Casual To Cash in Six Weeks
Week 1

It isn’t said enough that starting a small business, online or in person, isn't easy and it isn’t as simple as having a website. It’s work and in the beginning it can be very overwhelming. I want to show you in the coming weeks how to take your crochet craft and turn it into a small business and give you an accurate depiction of the steps it takes to become an entrepreneur in the crochet industry. In this first week, I want to get you started off in the right direction with the why, what, and whereof it all.

Why start a crochet business?

That may be the easiest of all the questions I challenge you today to ask yourself. Why start a crochet business?  Because, if you are like we are, you love to crochet and it has crossed your mind many times that it would be great to make money doing it. Isn’t that what everyone wants? To do what you love and love what you do? In the handmade goods industry, that saying resonates with us all because that is exactly what we are doing! If you don’t love crochet, this may not be the right business for your small business endeavor.

What should you sell?

What should you sell in your crochet business? You are probably thinking; I thought this was a blog about starting a crochet business, so wouldn’t that mean it is a business that sells crocheted items? It is, so hear me out. You want to become an entrepreneur in the crochet industry, right? The actual dictionary definition of entrepreneur says it all. (a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so)  By definition it is a risk anytime you decide to pursue your passion, but you can reduce the risk factor by taking a few simple steps and the first one is to choose a profitable niche.  What in the stitch witchery does that mean? A niche is a distinct segment of the market. In the crochet business, that means finding a product that is in demand that billions of others aren’t selling. When we started our small business, we were selling crocheted baby clothes, among other things and including crochet plushies. In time, we realized that by the time it took to crochet an outfit that we sold for $50, we could stitch up enough inventory to sell to larger audiences in person and online. Through trial and error, we found our niche. And to add to the online experience,  we offer Plushie Luv In A Box, a mystery box full of everything you need to create your own crocheted plushie including a video tutorial and live chat support. This gives us a way to teach others to do what we love so much. By researching the market, you can find your niche without the added drama we experienced, and this will give you the best start in your crochet business.  

Where Do I Sell My Crochet?

Some things sell well online, others do better in person where buyers can touch and feel the product to see its quality.  The crochet business is unique because it does well in both arenas.We sell a large part of our inventory at festivals and craft fairs, where we make the biggest profit in the least amount of time selling our crocheted plushies.   This brings up another factor to consider while you choose your niche. In order to sell at fairs and festivals you need to create a large inventory quickly, therefore you want to consider how long it takes to crochet the item and how much you enjoy doing it, because you will spend a great deal of time crocheting to prepare for these events.  Unlike selling online where you could get a few orders a day, which is great, at a craft fair, you have the potential of selling hundreds a day. You also want to sell something that doesn’t cost a fortune to make so that you keep your profit up by keeping cost down. In our experience, it is smart to sell these crocheted creations online and at fairs and festivals to reach a broader audience with your beautiful crocheted art. Also, don’t be afraid to price your inventory with your time and skill taken into consideration. Buyers know that they are purchasing a  hand made item and expect to pay for it.  Online or in person, the objective is still to turn a  profit.

When we started our small business, Little Luvin Stitches in 2010 I was doubtful that it was possible to turn a quiet little hobby like crocheting into a profitable business. That sounded like a dream that could only take place in my sleep. However, I stand corrected. Starting a small business is best done with patience and is not for the weak.  It is hard work and takes dedication, but if you take the right steps and have enough love for your craft, your crocheting pastime can become your new full-time job. 

Next week I will talk to you about the different platforms online that cater to sellers of handmade goods and give you the pros and cons of each platform so that you can decide where to list your crochet treasures online.  Come back and join me as I guide you through the crochet business start-up jungle and give you tips for success that we learned through our own ups and downs. As a small business owner and lover of crochet, it is a pleasure to share our experiences with you and help you learn and grow while you start your own crochet business journey.  And remember this. There are shops online as we speak that sell miniature humans in a capsule and to date have had 9684 orders so if someone can sell miniature humans, you can certainly sell your beautiful crochet art!!!


 Check out our website, and our Etsy shop LittleLuvinStitches to see what our small business has to offer.  We love what we do and want you to enjoy the art of crochet as much as we do. If you have never crocheted before, Plushie Luv In a Box is a mystery plushie box that comes with its own video tutorial and live support to get you started on your own crochet journey. Given the time to develop your crochet skills, your first lesson could be the start that led you to become the owner of your own crochet business one day!

By signing up for our newsletter, I will send you the link and password to a video tutorial where I will teach you six basic stitches to give you a head start on your crochet journey. The best way to learn is to jump right in! See you there!

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