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Fanboy Expo was a Blast

This was a cosplay costume made out of balloons, stood over 10’ tall.

Crocheters, Happy Friday Little Luvin Stitches Friends!

I hope everyone did something fun over the long Labor Day weekend. Whatever you did it had to be better than my other bestie’s cruise. She spent 24 hours in the ship’s medical bay with an epigastric infection. Soft foods, no dairy, no alcohol, no sugar. Water. Thankfully, she was still able to meet me and Rissa at WOB to participate in our Fantasy Football draft. It was our first time auctioning for players. We loved it but not everyone shared our sentiment.

Oh yeah, our time at Fanboy was good. It was close to home so that is always a plus. I think I have some pics to attach to this blog. It was a solid way to slide into September.

This was a short work week but the beginning of the month always means settling expenses and such from the previous month. So, I spent a few more hours at work this week. We host McNeese State University from Louisiana this weekend. We used to host all the opposing teams that played the University of Florida but now we are down to just one or two.

Looks like Hurricane Lee is a category 4 storm in the Atlantic. Hoping for the best, always preparing for the worst.

Just a reminder that we added two more events to our September lineup. Check out our website for the locations and remember that if you stop by our table, mention this blog and receive 10% off your total purchase of $25 or more.

We will have some subscription boxes on hand this weekend at the I Like it HOT Festival in Largo. A newbie to crocheting asked me to spend a little time showing her how to get started after she purchases one. I don’t have a problem doing this at all. A short demonstration might actually entice others to tackle crocheting. I just gave myself an idea. Maybe I will hold short demos a few times during each CON. A month or so ago I threw out the question, would anyone be interested in a Crochet Club and I got some great feedback. So this all kind of coincides with one another. I am always trying to find ways to get people interested.

Well I am off to dinner with the family. Hope to see you all sometime in 2023. Please visit our website often for more updates and subscribe to our newsletters for updates, fun facts, and information. Like us on our social media pages as well. Email me with any suggestions or questions or just to say hello.

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